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Un Tram per Genova

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Pubblicato: Lunedì, 02 Giugno 2014 Scritto da Andregexx

Genoa - The collection of signatures for the restoration of the Tram in Vallata continues . It promotes the new committee "Yes Tram Genova" that organizes throughout the day today, Sunday, June 1, a collection of signatures for the introduction of the tram in Val Bisagno and throughout the city.

Cit: Article of Il Secolo XIX

Sign the Petition too!

The committee, after bouncing the news on the Facebook page and on the website of the new association, has set up its own gazebo in Piazza Suppini in Prato at the Gau. "In just yesterday, we collected over 200 signatures . - explains Marco Libertini of the committee - It is our intention to collect as much as possible and present them to the institutions, Municipio and Comune, so that what was established in the 2012 public debate will be pursued ».

And for those who can not appear in Piazza Suppini , the signature collection also continues on the Internet. "It is possible to sign online not only today but also in the coming days by connecting to our site - continues Libertini - and who wants to stay informed about our initiatives, can subscribe to the newsletter that remembers committee meetings or become part of the world of fans of this means of transport sharing old photos in the "Vintage" section ».


Visite: 2020